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Bihar – 8th state added on Indian Footy Map

Posted on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 by ARFAI,

The Indian Footy map expanded to its new eighth state of Bihar in north-eastern India this month adding to the count for Australian Rules Football Association of India (ARFAI) in its effort to make Footy a nationally recognised sport in India.

The new Footy players of Bihar

The new Footy players of Bihar

ARFAI Football Development Manager (FDM) Mahesh Tirkey led a three day camp in Bhabhua district of Bihar ably assisted by ARFAI Game Development Officers (GDOs) Asheet Kujur, Arun Rai and Narendra Chowdhary with more than 150 participants over the three days who got hooked on to the new sport.

Some of the players had some idea about the sport previously while most others were fascinated about the new sport with funny skills required to play.

Locals watch on as Footy is played in Bihar for the first time

Locals watch on as Footy is played in Bihar for the first time

The best part that encouraged the ARFAI officials was the interest from local sports lovers as there was no lack of onlookers as the locals parked their bicycles to enjoy a new and different sport being played with a weird shaped ball right in their own village.

The local footy leaders in Bihar now are training hard to get a team together to represent Bihar for the first time in the annual ARFAI National Championship 2018.
