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Tamil Nadu Kangaroos

Posted on Monday, July 7, 2014 by ARFAI,

The first Tamil Kangaroos team at NC12 in Kerala

The first Tamil Kangaroos team at NC12 in Kerala

Australian Football in the state of Tamil Nadu was quietly started through the Global Community Sports programmes run by Adelaide man Rick Shrowder back in 2008, with the help of local NGOs, especially one named Patchi – run by an enthusiastic local leader -Syed Ali.

Once Rick went back, Syed with his team of local leaders helped promote the game in Madurai and also got a few schools involved as well.

Through their tireless efforts, Rick, Syed and the group of local leaders introduced the sport to over 1200 kids in Tamil Nadu over the years.

In 2012, the Tamil Nadu Kangaroos state Footy team was formed which participated in the first national level tournament of the sport in the country in Calicut, Kerala.

Over the years, the Tamil Kangaroos have participated in the ARFAI national Champs in Goa, Kolkata and Howrah and have improved their performance significantly over the years.